4.Sarah May_Connection_Retablo Altar_2016_Exhibited multiple times.jpg

Identity Retablo Ofrendas

This project is an exploration of the ethnic, cultural diversity, and identity of myself and those who have volunteered their stories. As a person who has been stereotyped and racially profiled, I wanted to explore my identity as a Latina woman and being bi-racial, and transcend the labels and boxes western society seeks to put “outsiders” in.

My journey of identity starts with my Mother and Abuela. The women who fled El Salvador in the midst of a civil war to come to a country where their family would be free of turmoil. I look to them and their past lives; they are the beginning of my story.

Through my journey of questioning and reconciling my identity, I opened the conversation to family and friends who are connected to the Latin heritage. A collection of retablo ofrendas honoring those who are finding their place in a society which says you are one thing, but cannot be the other. These retablo ofrendas altars symbolize the identity and soul of those who have more to their story than a first glance.